Sermons tagged with ‘resurrection’

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Sunday, April 16, 2017 – Easter Sunday, Main Sanctuary


Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed, hallelujah!

This may be the best greeting of all time. It expresses hope, love, and freedom for those who believe in, welcome, and follow Jesus Christ. This is the day that we celebrate everything that the Bible promises. God created the universe and placed human beings in it to live, thrive, and care for each other and the universe that God provided. Throughout the Bible we read stories of God’s grace and humanity’s need for grace. Over and over we hear how God loves us and rescues us from the perils of our own sinfulness and selfishness. Today, on Easter Sunday, we celebrate because God proves that we are the most-loved beings in the universe. God gives up everything for us and offers us the chance to enjoy this life by living more like Jesus, as well as the promise of an eternity spent in God’s presence. What more can any of us ask for?

It is fun to spend some time with the children, hunting Easter eggs, and enjoying family gatherings. It is fine to wish each other “Happy Easter.” The trappings of a cultural Easter celebration are ubiquitous and unavoidable. Theoretically, there is no harm in this reality, as long as we keep the truth about Easter in the forefront of our minds.

Today we gather, first as Christians, and we greet one another with a joyous: “Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed, hallelujah!”